21 June 2024

CHAMPAIGN — Cole Rusk still takes a moment every day to appreciate his new reality. Putting on the Block I helmet. Putting on the practice jersey he always dreamed of wearing. Practicing in the stadium he frequented growing up as a diehard Illinois football fan.

The Murray State transfer, a Rock Island (Ill.) native, still has pinch-me moments now that he is a practicing Illini tight end.

“This is practice four in the stadium, and it’s just surreal,” Rusk told Illini Inquirer after Tuesday’s spring practice. “I know I say it, but it’s really been a dream come true. Every time I get to put that helmet on and see the logo, it really is a dream. I probably tell one of my friends every day that I’m living my dream out. It means so much to me, and that’s why I want to give everyone a bunch of wins this year and try my best because it means a lot to me.”



But Rusk has bigger dreams than just practicing with Illinois. The 6-foot-5, 250-pound junior tight end — who played at Eastern Michigan for two years before becoming an FCS All-American at Murray State last season — wants to become an impact Big Ten player at Illinois and lead his home state team to a winning season. So while Rusk is appreciating his opportunity, he also has adopted a businesslike mentality to make the most of that opportunity.

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