8 July 2024

Just in’Karlie Keeney, face heart break as the husband divorce he few minutes…


At the ceremony… his wife Elaine officially robed Judge DeGiusti and Chief Judge Robin J. Cauthron administered the oath of office. There was not a dry eye in the courthouse as he talked about his parents and his upbringing. Each of the sitting judges gave remarks and then Gov. Brad Henry, a close personal friend; Judge Ralph Thompson, his father-in-law, and Don G. Holladay, a law partner, also talked about him with humor and dignity.


At the reception… red roses, white gladiolas, blue hydrangeas decorated the table which was filled with cookies, some of them iced with the law scales in red, white and blue.


Among the people at the reception were Tony, Joey, Ellen and Jack DeGiusti, Ed Barth, Harolyn and Tom Enis, Judge Gary Purcell, Barbara and Judge Ralph Thompson, Bill Ross, Bob Ross, Nancy and Judge Tim Leonard, Ryan Leonard, Carolyn and Don Zachritz, Kim and Gov. Brad Henry, Dana and Judge David Russell, Judge Vicki Miles-LaGrange, Judge Lee West, Judge Joe Heaton, Lillie-Beth Brinkman, Laura and Mike Snavely, Stacey and Chris Allen, Kara and Kevin Locke, Crystal Hardberger, Amy and Will Dean, Margaret Jantzen, Darren Derryberry, Joe Harroz, Sandra Kirk, Maria and Dr. Craig Abbott, Kyle, Claire, Eric, and Rachel Abbott, Sharon Abbott, Clark Musser, Cynthia and Lt.Gen.(Ret.) Ron Kadish, Angela and Lt.Col.(Ret.) Randy Lister, Lashe and Steve DeGiusti and Janie and Anthony DeGiusti.

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