breaking news;Ted Nugent and Adios Mofos going live on stage after a long time…..

But certainly, the highlight of the evening was the band’s performance of the gargantuan Stranglehold, Nugent’s masterpiece. “Since I created the number one guitar lick in the history of the world, I might as well play it,” he bragged.

And play it, he did. The already incredible track from 1975’s Ted Nugent solo debut reached a new level of electrifying and mind-blowing on the live stage.
As the notes filled the air, it would be hard to deny this is one of the greatest rock classics of all time and absolutely one of the greatest song performances we have seen live. Words don’t do it justice, but the price of tickets was certainly justified by this one anthem alone.
Nearly as entertaining as the music itself is the commentary between at each Ted Nugent show. A vocal supporter of American freedom and anti-tyrannical government, Nugent shared his love for the armed forces and patriotism and shared unapologetic remarks to those who seek to strip that from American citizens.
Met with cheers from the crowd of Ted’s “Shitkicker blood brothers”, Nugent kept the fire in the hearts of the crowd ignited for country, values, and rock ‘n’ roll.
Perhaps not commentary for the faint of heart, but certainly what people need to hear in an age polluted with corruption, hurt feelings, and political correctness. “God bless America. Stand up for what you believe in”, shared Nugent.

Uncle Ted, at “75 years of piss and vinegar”, is living proof that rock is still alive and well. With his soaring vocals, screams as penetrating as they were in the ’70s, and blistering riffs, he’s aged like a fine wine and is backed by solid bandmates to deliver hard-hitting rock punches each night.
Die-hard fans and casuals alike will have their expectations far exceeded. “These guys and I, we put our heart and soul into every lick we play, every night,” Nugent stated after the triumphant grand finale Great White Buffalo. And that, they delivered.