Hoosier A 7-foot-5 prospect ranked land as commitment from Illinois to Indiana….

Hoosier A 7-foot-5 prospect ranked land as commitment from Illinois to Indiana….

Indiana basketball will host Hoosier Hysteria on Oct. 18 at Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall, IU Athletics announced Friday in a press release. Hoosier Hysteria, an annual preseason introduction of both the men’s and women’s teams, coincides with Homecoming weekend.
This year’s iteration of the event will be scrimmage-based, differing from those of past seasons, when players went through various skills competitions and a 3-point contest.
sound like I’m trying to be smart when I say this, but I’m going to quote Winston Churchill right now. He said something about, this is this kind of the end of the beginning. It’s not the end, obviously, it’s the end of the beginning.
By that, I mean, the last eight weeks have been a lot for our guys. They showed up on June 5, didn’t know anybody from anybody, and worked their tails off every day. In the weight room, on the court, off the court, to grow closer together and to start sharing in a positive way. I couldn’t be prouder of this group for that.
It’s been a long, long, four months. I say long, sometimes I feel like it went by like a whirlwind. But from the time Josh (Heird) called me, and offered me the job to be the head coach at the University of Louisville, to kind of right now. it’s been a blur to say the least. I give my staff a ton of credit for the work that they’ve done. Putting this roster together, recruiting like crazy, leaving their families as we did all this.
As this first chapter comes to a close, it’s important for our guys to get away from me, to probably get away from each other. Refresh their minds, refresh their bodies. Obviously, some guys have some academic stuff to finish. But then to kind of recharge as we get back in a couple of weeks for the start of the fall, and kind of jump into the next chapter full steam ahead.
I appreciate the administration for allowing us to take this trip. A lot of people have done a lot of things in conjunction with that, whether it’s the donors, the fans, people that contribute to NIL, specifically with this game. Chris Brown and L&N Credit Union really stepped up in the sponsorship of some of the stuff they did with Floyd Street Media. It’s hard to just single out one, but I mention Chris because of today’s game specifically. But there’s been so many people that have been wind at our back, that have continued to support us. We’re all new. I’m new, my staff’s new, all of our players are new, and the city of Louisville has embraced this team. We appreciate that. We have a great, great fan base that’s passionate. I was talking to a lady last night, she’s telling us how excited she was. She loved watching us play, and then she said, ‘Man, do you have enough size inside?’ Guy over there, lady over there, 100 year old grandmother, everybody knows their hoop in his town, and that’s one of the things that makes it special. I’m excited to be here. I know our guys are excited about representing this great city and university over the next six or seven months.
(On the influence of Skip Prosser, and his thoughts on the passion of the fanbase)
Coach Prosser is a major influence in my life. Obviously, we lost him just about 17 years ago almost exactly. Wverything I do every day, so many things I do every day and I say, are things that I was taught by him. I think that’s the way that people’s legacy lives on. A guy like Skip Prosser was a phenomenal coach, and mentor and teacher is things I teach our guys. Like never delay gratitude, which is one of the Skip Prosser’s favorite quotes. And I mention his name, because I want them to know the source, and I want his name and his legacy to continue.