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A settlement brought a sudden end this Tuesday to a federal trial where Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones had countersued a woman who publicly said he was her father.
Jones’ lawsuit claimed Alexandra Davis breached a million-dollar contract that her mother, Cynthia Davis, had agreed to with Jones in the late 1990s.

The trial in Texarkana was expected to last a week, but the new agreement between the parties involved put a resolution to the case just over 24 hours after it started.
On Tuesday, attorneys called to the stand long-time Jones attorney Don Jack to discuss the terms of the original 1998 settlement.
Jones’ attorney, Charles Babcock, said the emotional testimony helped soften the parties involved, culminating in Jones, Cynthia Davis and Alexandra Davis meeting over lunch and later reaching an agreement with their attorneys. He also confirmed that all previous cases will be dismissed.
As part of the new settlement, the terms of the original 1998 settlement will remain in place and Jones won’t be required to submit to a paternity test.
Jones thanked those who participated in the trial and said he respects Davis’ role as a working mother.
“I have a lot of the sensitivity that you could imagine,” said Jones. “These are hard-working, young parts of the equation, and so I’m very satisfied that we’re going forward with something that’s very fair.”
Both Jones and Cynthia Davis said they’re pleased with the terms and are relieved to put this behind them.
Makes me really happy,” said Cynthia Davis. “I’ll make a prediction. They win the Super Bowl this year.”
Jones told CBS News Texas he’ll now focus on heading to Oxnard for training camp with the Cowboys, possibly as early as Tuesday afternoon.
Jones had been fighting the case for the last two years.

Cynthia Davis’ testimony lasted over 3 hours
“[Jones] knows he’s the father. Now he’s being vindictive because his ‘real family’ has been hurt,” said on Monday Jay Gray, Alexandra Davis’ attorney. “Mr. Jones is a bully, and he’s bullying his daughter in this lawsuit. We don’t have to help him be a bully.”
Cynthia Davis took the stand on Monday as the plaintiff’s first witness and began to sob as she recounted that her daughter begged “her entire life” to meet with Jones “for 15 minutes.”
After she broke down, the judge called for a brief recess, the jury was ushered out, and Cynthia Davis and Jones shared a long embrace; they seemed to call Alexandra Davis over for a conversation, which she refused, also in tears. After the break, Cynthia Davis returned to the stand, where she was for more than three hours.
In opening statements on Monday, Jones’ attorneys argued that he kept his end of the agreement, giving Cynthia Davis more than $3 million as part of the settlement. The Davis’ attorneys contested that Jones breached the agreement first and that he is “a bully who only cares about money” and just wants revenge.
Jones was expected to testify in the trial, as was Alexandra Davis.
The Cowboys owner remained stoic in the courtroom, sitting with his back to the defendants and facing the jury for most of the day.
Alexandra Davis vs. Jerry Jones
Alexandra Davis’ original lawsuit claimed that Jones “pursued” her mother, who was also married at the time, after they met while she was working for American Airlines out of Little Rock, Arkansas.
Their “Settlement Agreement” allegedly called for Jones to pay Cynthia Davis $375,000 and for Alexandra Davis to receive a “certain monthly, annual and special funding” from a trust until she was 21 years old, as well as lump sum payments when she turned 24, 26 and 28.
Alexandra Davis filed a paternity lawsuit in 2022, which eventually led to a judge’s ruling in February 2024 requiring Jones to take a paternity test. The mandate was put on hold after Jones filed an amended complaint in May.
In the 2022 lawsuit, Alexandra Davis sued Jones in Dallas County, and asked a judge to void a legal agreement she said her mother, Cynthia Davis, reached with Jones two years after she was born. The 1998 settlement allegedly stated that Jones would support them financially as long as they didn’t publicly say he was Alexandra Davis’ father — something the married owner of the Cowboys denied.
Jones’ lawyers labeled it a monetary extortion attempt.
Alexandra Davis dropped that case later that year, saying she would instead seek to prove that Jones is her father. A judge later ordered Jones to take a paternity test to determine if he is Alexandra Davis’ biological father.