Breaking news; Coach Billy Napier’s time out , Gators fire their head Coach……

Saturday’s 33-20 blowout loss to Texas A&M should be the nail in the coffin, the writing on the wall, the clincher or whatever word or phrase you prefer to use to describe Billy Napier’s tenure as the head coach of the Florida Gators.

Whatever wordage you prefer, it truly doesn’t matter. Saturday’s blowout loss must be the last time Napier takes the field as head coach. It’s time for the Napier experience to end.
I already wrote two weeks ago after Florida’s 41-17 loss to Miami about the Gators’ broken promises of a better team who played fast, tackled aggressively, created turnovers, took shots down the field, etc.
It was a kick in the stomach for those, including myself, that had believed this was Napier’s best team he put together in his tenure.
I had even said on multiple appearances on the podcast Hightop Sports (shoutout Shelton and Dave) that this felt like the Napier-led team that finally had the missing pieces to the puzzle, could put it all together and would surprise many outsiders despite having the nation’s toughest schedule. I told multiple people that Florida’s only seemingly-guaranteed losses were against Georgia and Texas.
Every other game, had a semblance of a chance to win, and, boy, was I wrong, and so was Napier, who even said this was the best team he’s had since becoming the head coach. And, all it took was three games for that to be proven.
Let’s get the obvious, statistical components of Napier’s 28-game tenure out of the way.